Creative Coursework Mark Scheme




Purpose and Audience

Effectiveness of Communication




A strong, assured fulfilment of the writing task, sharply focused on the writer’s purpose and the expectations / requirements of the intended reader is shown


The writing is compelling in its communicative impact, with an extensive vocabulary and skilful control of varied sentence forms

There is sophisticated contrl of text structure, skillfully sustained paragraphing and the assured application of a range of cohesive devices



A secure realisation of the writing task according to the writer’s purpose and the expectations / requirements of the intended reader is shown


The writing communicates effectively, with an aptly chosen vocabulary, and some evidence of crafting in the construction of sentences

Organisation of the material  is secure, with a well-judged text structure, effective paragraphing and a range of cohesive devices between and within paragraphs




A generally clear sense of purpose and understanding of the expectations / requirements of the intended reader is shown


The writing communicates clearly, with a well chosen vocabulary, and some evidence of crafting in the construction of sentences


Organization of the material is mostly sound, with a clear text structure, controlled paragraphing to reflect opening, development and closure, together with successful use of cohesive devices (e.g. synonyms, repetitions, contrasts)




A basic grasp of the purpose of the writing ad of the expectations / requirements of the reader is shown


The writing communicates in a broadly appropriate way, with some evidence of control in the choice of vocabulary and sentence structures


Organisation of the material shows some grasp of text structure, with opening and development, and broadly appropriate paragraphing and other sequencing devices




Little awareness is show of the purpose of the writing and of the intended reader


The writing communicates at a basic level, using a limited vocabulary and showing little variety of sentence structure


Organisation of the material is simple with limited success in opening and development